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Visual ESP ETA and showcase vid: showthread.php?tid=21154
16-Feb-23, 17:24
Hello, I have some questions before i Buy.
1. right now, what features does work? (i read that there is not ESP at the moment)
2. is there any discord channel for support?
16-Feb-23, 18:34
Esp is coming,atm Menalix is testing if esp affecting trust factor
No discord,just forum for support
16-Feb-23, 19:31
I see,
But what does working at the moment?
16-Feb-23, 21:23
Just bhop is disabled and esp will come this month,in rest everything is fine
26-Feb-23, 16:15
Hi ,
In August 2022 I got my account banned by vacnet, the famous red factor trust. Has the cheat been updated or does it still have problems with the trust factor and Vacnet bans?

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