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New admin and 2 new moderators.
29-Apr-15, 17:03
It has become quite stressful here at Hexui which is why I need a helping hand in form of some additions to the staff.
So here goes the presentation + the reason.

New Admin: Division Dreamers
Well its been some time since I gave Division administrator access actually, but here comes the story since I never have introduced Division (Not as mod either) even that I have introduced other ex-mods.
Division Dreamers was a cheater who used another known provider, but was tired of the VAC detections and looked for another cheat, lucky for me, as that was where he stumbled upon Hexui and started by free will to help a lot in the forums, which I appreciated a lot, so after sometime I granted him the moderator title and we started to get in talk and have fun together.
Suddenly we concluded to challenge each other to a 1v1 match in World Of Warcraft and I promised him administrator access if he won (I am really professional) and he then won by very minor, just as I got him down to 1% HP, he teleported and I got confused by the other players surrounding. So I gave him the administrator access and he then 3 months later admitted he actually used a PVP cheating-bot..... I the cheat-creator was cheated Surprised but it was my plan to give him administrator access either way.
Division is a helpful and kind person, I would never have been able to run Hexui for this long if he was not here to help me.

New Moderator: FiddeM
Fidde is a long-term user of Hexui who I have had fun on teamspeak with for a long time, he is quite a energetic person and also very friendly
Beside Division, Fidde is the person I trust the most on Hexui which in my eyes is the most important fact in granting someone with more responsibility, you have to be able to trust them enough, that they can live up to it, which is what I feel I can with Fidde thats why I asked him if he would be interested in helping like he already do, but with the more official title of a Moderator.

New Moderator: Complex229
I haven't speaked much with Complex229, due to the fact that he is Divisions little brother meanwhile having a deeper voice, it kinda creeps me out.
But well he has been shown really helpful around the forum and I'm sure someone with the magical "Division Dreamers blood" at least is half as awesome as the real deal, which means that the lower boundary of what he can be is quite awesome and the higher boundary is really exceptional.

A little side note:
ETA of Hexui is still 1. May, sales will open 10 days after, please stay patient for the last few days. The detection which hit atleast 25% of our users, seems like a small fault in our security which has been fixed, but we can not be sure wether its 100% fixed on release which is why we won't start selling, unless 10 days have passed by without a detection incident.
29-Apr-15, 17:06
I rekt u m8 mage OP
29-Apr-15, 17:11
(29-Apr-15 17:06)Division Dreamers Wrote:  I rekt u m8 mage OP

Private Function DidIWin(Byval Opponent As String) As String
  Select Case Opponent
      Case Is = "HonorBuddy"
         Return "Nope"
      Case Is = "Division"
         Return "Of course lol?"
      Case Else
         Return "No real person can beat you Menalix ;)"
    End Select
End Function

Honorbuddy Bot > Menalix > Division
29-Apr-15, 17:12
Damn the green color looks good on me ;-)

But thanks a lot menalix, hopefully div can have some more free time to himself. Now that me and fidde is working as mods.
29-Apr-15, 17:50 (This post was last modified: 29-Apr-15 17:51 by FiddeM.)
Im green! Sad im su happy, I want to thanks my mom for giving birth to me! my dad for helping with the making part, menalix and Division for being the handsome people they are Sad
29-Apr-15, 17:56
(29-Apr-15 17:50)Fiddexd Wrote:  Im green! Sad im su happy, I want to thanks my mom for giving birth to me! my dad for helping with the making part, menalix and Division for being the handsome people they are Sad
Tell your parents they did well getting you into this world (y)
29-Apr-15, 17:57
(29-Apr-15 17:56)Menalix Wrote:  
(29-Apr-15 17:50)Fiddexd Wrote:  Im green! Sad im su happy, I want to thanks my mom for giving birth to me! my dad for helping with the making part, menalix and Division for being the handsome people they are Sad
Tell your parents they did well getting you into this world (y)

Ok brb!
29-Apr-15, 18:43
(29-Apr-15 17:03)Menalix Wrote:  A little side note:
ETA of Hexui is still 1. May, sales will open 10 days after, please stay patient for the last few days. The detection which hit atleast 25% of our users, seems like a small fault in our security which has been fixed, but we can not be sure wether its 100% fixed on release which is why we won't start selling, unless 10 days have passed by without a detection incident.

Last time you got hit by a VAC wave you accepted allowed for a fee of 50 Euro to registrate privtely.
Will there be anything similar available this time around?
01-May-15, 03:50
(29-Apr-15 18:43)TheFatCat Wrote:  
(29-Apr-15 17:03)Menalix Wrote:  A little side note:
ETA of Hexui is still 1. May, sales will open 10 days after, please stay patient for the last few days. The detection which hit atleast 25% of our users, seems like a small fault in our security which has been fixed, but we can not be sure wether its 100% fixed on release which is why we won't start selling, unless 10 days have passed by without a detection incident.

Last time you got hit by a VAC wave you accepted allowed for a fee of 50 Euro to registrate privtely.
Will there be anything similar available this time around?

I do not remember we ever did that.
Sorry but don't get why you wanna do that, taking in concideration our cheat is up in 1-3 days, no matter how much I want those money chinese

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