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Visual ESP ETA and showcase vid: showthread.php?tid=21154
Input issue + overlay
09-Feb-24, 19:41
Good day to you gentlemen,
First, a quick note- Menalix please accept my friend request on Discord as I have something unrelated I'd like to ask you about.

First question:
Has the most recent Hexui update just bumped up the smoothing, or has it fixed how CS handles input per it's recent update.

I'm not as in-tune with the game nowadays, but after one of it's recent updates it seems to update it's input at an odd or inconsistent rate, leading all aimbots (I believe regardless of mouseinput or viewangles) to update the position too fast for the game, leading to it being too fast.

Second question:
Is there any aspirations to create an overlay?
You shouldn't need as much as something like BE or EAC, and it would definitely remove the need for writing to glow,
meaning you could even lower the handle to read-only.
Though I do understand you may not be a big fan of GDI, and may not want to increase the client size with DirectX.

Specifics are obviously only out of curiosity and no answers are required by any means. Thank you in advance for your time.
10-Feb-24, 03:53
never heared of aimbot being to fast with any cheats due to game update, sounds really weird? where did you experience this?

yes there is an aspiration for that, but there is just other things to be done which is more important, overlays comes with a huge risk, so it's down the list. right now I'm working on fixing the backend infastructure, so Hexui can easyier be optimized in the future, we are currently quite limited by a configuration system I hardly can change in, because it was made my a novice, and client to server communication API which create instability, so that comes first.

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