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Visual ESP ETA and showcase vid: showthread.php?tid=21154
Hexui Review | 2 Months review
26-Jul-16, 05:53
I love this cheat and I have been making youtube vids and streams and no one has called me out and I 40 bomb every game. I use hups3 settings.

Aimbot 10/10
Very good and doesnt look fishy,

Trigger 8/10
I use trigger as my aimbot and i dont really use aim as much as trigger. Could use some work, i have shot a bunch and missed every shot with trigger, but still amazing.

SoundESP 9/10
Wish i could record with it but i can at least use it on everything else, UD on everything pretty much.

RCS 10/10
Very Good, not thing more.

If you are new to cheats this is a very good cheat and hasnt been Detected for a long time.
26-Jul-16, 12:03
Thanks for the review man Smile
29-Jul-16, 03:36
Thanks for sharing, any youtube videos to share? Tongue

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