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Visual ESP ETA and showcase vid: showthread.php?tid=21154
My honest review
28-Oct-16, 23:03
Hello everybody

Ok lets start from the begining.
I was always a legit player since 1.6 to csgo but i found that improving my rank in MM was a extremly hard task mostly because of the shitty 64 tick servers from valve. I have a god gamesense but the tick is always fucking me and miss the simplest headshots. I thinked alot if i am going to be one more hated cheater. But well i sayed "fuck it. Its a game." After a lot of research i found out that hexui is the right cheat for me. It corrects my aim to the shitty 64 tick hitboxes. Believe me it is very different its like another game. The cheat undetection is a must (yes everything gets one day detected) i survived a vac wave and unfortunately was only one time detected (lets say human error, we all make mistakes, nobody is perfect). I really love to play with hexui when my aim is weaker or go play MM. Got from lem to ge very fast. I absolutly recomend this cheat without a doubt.
Oh and the community is great Smile
Only thing i want here in the future is a page who says me how manu days i have left in my subscription, yes, very important, i want to ressub when the day comes.
31-Oct-16, 01:14
Thanks for this awesome review!!
We will surely have the sub left page soon.

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