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Bought trail.
04-Nov-16, 07:55
Hey so i had bought the trail a little while back and it was only for 2 days or something and i had bought it when the cheat was down. I found out the cheat was down after i had already bought it so i was never even able to use the cheat.
04-Nov-16, 10:00
Without knowing anything about it, nor being the one who decides anything, then id say its a lost cause if you are looking for a free days, If you buy the cheat and it does not work, then you make a tread in support, you cant really come back "a little while later" and complaint, besides that, the trial is for 3 days.

Maybe some admins can look up your user and see if you actually did use the cheat or not, but i dont think they will, and i wouldent blame them if not Smile

If you made this tread right after you bought it and it didnt work or even the day it ran out, then it might be that some admin would give you an xtra day or w/e, but you dont even know how many days you bought or what date you bought it, so its not really anything urgent tbh Smile
07-Nov-16, 15:51
Menalix was offering 3 day trial users, extra sub time when this was happening,
So i suppose its your own fault for not contacting Menalix when he asked people to.

There was a clear banner on the forum.
07-Nov-16, 16:56
chinese already sorted, it's simply too late to come a month later.

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