Current time: 20-Apr-24, 02:07 Hello There, Guest! (LoginRegister)
Cheat is updated and works with newest update.
We have moved server to Sweden due to Sweden being climate friendly, all small hick-ups have been fixed now.
This cheat is fantastic
11-Feb-17, 22:03
Bought a week ago, the cheat is fantastic. You have to learn to use the Cloud Settings a bit, and if i were the developer i'll be more specific in the first cheat opening. I really like it. Gonna buy the 90 Days.
Aimbot 8/10 (fails sometimes)
Soundesp 11/10 this is the best thing i have ever seen in a Cheat.
Cheat design and Weapon customization 10/10
(Sorry for my bad english akward )
12-Feb-17, 09:16
I'll add tooltips to the cloud settings soon.

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