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Hexui is an amazing cheat(Review)
10-Aug-17, 02:39
I've used many other cheats before and have even coded a few, but I gotta say by far the Hexui cheat is by far the best for obvious reasons. I've only used this hack for about 2 weeks but I can already tell that Menalix knows what he's doing.

AimBot: The aiming system for this hack is absolutely beautiful and has many features that can tend to anyone playing style.

Sound ESP: The sound esp is way better than normal chams or esp. The sound alerts you whenever someone is near and is great for legit play.

Trigger Bot: The trigger bot is also fantastic has it has many features such as delay to make you appear more legit.

Gui: The online menu is a fantastic idea and is not offered by many. The gui is clean and everything is easy to fine.

Security and Support: The security this cheat offers is amazing with the amount of users it has. 2 years without vac detection that telling you something. Also, the support on the forums is great as there is always staff helping resolve users problems.

Overall: This is a great hack and I would recommend it to anyone over any other cheat. The cheat is targeted to legit hacking and does a great job at it.Smile
10-Aug-17, 02:58
I can agree Menalix knows what his doing Smile

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