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Hexui, detailed review.
19-Dec-17, 03:36
Hexui CS:GO Cheat Review

By: Passively

Security: 10/10

Let's start with the security. When we're thinking about buying a CS:GO cheat we are always looking for good security and good detection rate and believe me, Hexui is one of the most secure cheats you will ever find. As long as you follow their injection methods and don't hack blatantly enough for an Overwatch ban, I trust the security of this cheat will go a long way in keeping your account safe.
And yes, it also supports FaceIt (non client)!
But of course, you're always taking the risk of getting banned so it's highly recommended to use a smurf just to prevent this.

Aimbot: 9/10

Let's now talk about the Aimbot. Hexui has one of the best aimbots out there. It's fully customizable. Every gun can be easily customized for your needs (and even the Zeus tazer and the knifes can be customized).
With the right configurations you can definitely make the aimbot super legit.

Triggerbot: 9.5/10

I've only used the triggerbot a few times (just for pistols), it has worked extremely well. You can also customize the triggerbot for every weapon.

SoundESP & GlowESP: 9/10

Hexui added a few weeks ago the new GlowESP and believe me that this feature works really good. It's not customizable but it's nice to have the ability to toggle it on/off whenever you want without leaving the game.
Of course, you can be so blatant if you don't have any experience using a cheat before so becareful with Overwatch bans!

Want a more legit looking? No problem! Hexui also includes the SoundESP feature and this is also really good. Your "pings" increase in tempo when you get closer to an enemy, letting you understand that you have to be on high alert and check your corners. This makes you seem super legit, also this is customizable!

General comments & Community:

2 months being here and I can say that the community on Hexui in general is very friendly and helpful. I've never had a question in the shoutbox unanswered, and the administrators are always online and they're really cheerful with everyone Heart. The community is really good and also, we do have a Discord server Big Grin

Overall: 9/10
- This cheat is really good for legit cheating.
- Security is the best.
- Good pricing.
- Good community and good support.

So, what are you waiting for?
Stay awesome Hexui Heart.

Disclaimer: I do not condone cheating nor do i care if you cheat, this review is for anyone looking into this cheat provider and want to understand how it generally is. Under no circumstances will blame be put on me or the cheat provider if you were caught. This is an unpaid review and unsponsored. I am a freelance cheat reviewer, please do not PM me your issues. All rights reserved to HeXui. (copied from RicoArmor, credits to him).

Also, I'm sorry if you found any grammar error.
19-Dec-17, 16:34
Thank you so much for the review dude really appreciate it <3
19-Jan-18, 20:19
I just wanna leave my comment here to say i would rate it 9/10 aswell because there are always things to improve etc, overall a GREAT cheat! x).

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