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Subscription & Hardware problem
11-Jun-18, 20:37

I tried to login today and it said I need to reset hardware id. I don't see anywhere in my profile/control panel how to do so. Also when I checked my messages my subscription ended over 2 months early after purchasing the 3 month version.

11-Jun-18, 20:56
Please make a post in payment issues with all the info, only you and the mods can see the thread. Smile
11-Jun-18, 21:28
Like hapsdog says, we need a payment issue topic from you, where you can give your paypal e-mail or transaction id, without, so people won't see it, then I can check up on it from there.
12-Jun-18, 07:55
thank you, the forum looked blank, ill try to do that though
14-Jun-18, 09:50
That's because you can only see your own threads there

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