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Visual ESP ETA and showcase vid: showthread.php?tid=21154
04-Jul-18, 13:38
Was looking at the "Hourboost" feature on owban and wanted to know how it works. To be honest I really want to get the Blue and possibly Purple service medal for 2018. Does the hourboost system take xp into account? Realistically it takes about 700 hours of gameplay to get 1 service medal (because of the retarded -reduced xp bonus) and I already have the level 1 2018 badge and I've played about 700 hours this year already. Currently Major 31 rank. I doubt I can get the Blue medal on my own since it's already July.

If it's possible to get xp gains using Hourboost, I might even forgoe the Blue medal for 2018 so I can possibly get a red one in 2019. Would be fucking amazing to be LITERALLY THE ONLY CSGO PLAYER to have a red service medal. xD

Also I have quite an expensive inventory, how do I know it will be safe?

P.s. owban is fucking awesome. Many, many idiot cheaters have bragged that they won't get banned and then 48 hours (sometimes less) after reporting them... boom. Banned. It's a glorious feeling. Espeically when their profile is not private.
04-Jul-18, 17:40
You can join owbans discord here and ask it, this forum is made for hexui Smile.
05-Jul-18, 00:13
Yeah join the discord or make a support ticket on owban please

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