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Paypal error
17-Sep-18, 23:06
Hey, wanted to check end see if there anyone else is having paypal error. I have been getting "We're sorry but there was a problem. Try again later." for about 2 hours now and was starting to wonder if it wasn't on my end.
17-Sep-18, 23:06
me too i cant pay with paypal
17-Sep-18, 23:09 (This post was last modified: 17-Sep-18 23:10 by zxueX.)
(17-Sep-18 23:06)apialyly Wrote:  me too i cant pay with paypal

It seems that my guess was correct. Guess we'll have to wait then until it's get sorted.
17-Sep-18, 23:27
chiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitng why chiiiiting guys whaj

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