Current time: 18-Apr-24, 11:53 Hello There, Guest! (LoginRegister)
Cheat is updated and works with newest update.
Database reverted to 3-day old copy, due to a mishappening. Please re-create your user if it's gone, and make a payment issue to get upgraded. Cheat settings from last 3-days is lost as well. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
Everything should sorted out by 23:00 GMT+1, and affected customers will get 1-week extra added to their sub.
09-Oct-18, 23:31
still not up? how long do we need to wait
09-Oct-18, 23:55
(09-Oct-18 23:31)rage_vii Wrote:  still not up? how long do we need to wait
As mentioned in the past 5 threads paypal is not coming back. Stripe will be supported instead.
09-Oct-18, 23:58
yea but when, its so hard to pay with bitcoin shit
10-Oct-18, 18:18
If we knew when, we would tell you.

I understand that it has been a long time without the paypal option, we are sorry and Division is trying his best to get stripe added.

So please everybody stop making new threads about this.

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