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HexUI shoxxxy's Official Community Review
02-Jan-15, 20:26
Members: 10/10
Members through out what I've seen are fantastic. There's no flaming, no trolling, or any of that annoying shit that we all get tired of fast. The community is also fairly small so we're able to stay closer than other communities that are quite large but constantly fight. Because we're smaller than others, we'll probably last longer since I don't see any separation in the near or even far future. The best part about some members is that they'll step up and help others who need assistance with the cheat while the staff is unavailable which is absolutely fantastic because it allows basically 24/7 support.

Staff: 10/10
Love the staff. I only really know Menalix and Division but I do know they're not the only staff on here. They're just the most active. Division is fantastic. I've known him since he was first a mod and missed the day he became an admin unfortunately but I'm very glad he was promoted because I see that he is very dedicated to helping others. Menalix is a whole different story. Menalix is also very helpful and definitely knows what he's doing unlike other copy/pasters *cough*leaguemode*cough*.

Community is fantastic and I sure hope it stays like this until the end.
02-Jan-15, 20:39
thanks for the good laugh and great review Big Grin
03-Jan-15, 07:34
Can only agree 100% with this, best cheat community there is chinese
06-Jan-15, 13:42
Amazing site , amazing staff , amazing program of use 100/100 im sure i will subscripe again , wort every change! keep it going HexuiHeartHeart

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