Current time: 23-Apr-24, 20:22 Hello There, Guest! (LoginRegister)
Cheat is updated and works with newest update.
Faceit Serverside
12-Mar-19, 04:29
Hi, new to Hexui and had a few quick questions - used a few league cheats but not very happy with their sound esp and aimbot.

1. Does the cheat have an in-game menu?
2. Does the ESP visual work on faceit as well? Or only ESP sound works? And is it safe to use on faceit, keeping in mind that they can take screenshots?
4. When was the cheat last detected on faceit?
3. Does the cheat need to be installed on a usb?

12-Mar-19, 10:52
No ingame menu but you set keybinds for everything. i dont know havent tried face it yet haha cant download cheat rn cause servers are down. no usb is needed it is safer to just run on the harddrive and delete it after running it
12-Mar-19, 15:54
Thanks for replying. I mainly need a cheat for faceit so hoping someone can answer the rest of the Qs.

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