Current time: 19-Apr-24, 04:21 Hello There, Guest! (LoginRegister)
Cheat is updated and works with newest update.
We have moved server to Sweden due to Sweden being climate friendly, all small hick-ups have been fixed now.
[Info] Added privacy policy
10-Oct-19, 02:19
Added privacy policy to comply with GDRP.
Should have done this way before, but since it's very limited what we collect on users, as we don't have ads and only uses google analytics, I haven't. Now it's applied though:

Other website corrections:
Fixed missing links on social icons on forums footer.
Fixed footer showing incorrectly on client download page.
Added client download and hardware id reset links on the user control panel and removed them from showing on forum.
Made remaining subscription time to be viewable on user control panel as well now.
Corrected board statistics, from applying different website crawlers to the guest count.
Fixed an issue where forum css had double reference.
Made registration page more simple.
Made Stripe payment SCA compliant.

I'm working on moving to as a sub-domain like in the old days.

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