Current time: 18-Apr-24, 04:03 Hello There, Guest! (LoginRegister)
Cheat is updated and works with newest update.
Database reverted to 3-day old copy, due to a mishappening. Please re-create your user if it's gone, and make a payment issue to get upgraded. Cheat settings from last 3-days is lost as well. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
Everything should sorted out by 23:00 GMT+1, and affected customers will get 1-week extra added to their sub.
was trying to resub w/ credit card stripe not working
22-Oct-19, 23:26
I was trying to 3 month sub with cc and the stripe would not proceed no more what or when I clicked stripe. having no change or luck no matter how much i try let me know what do to fix this or im just retarded either way lmk
23-Oct-19, 04:48
Try the old payment page:
23-Oct-19, 05:07
for some reason still a no go...
12-Nov-19, 03:16
At all is not present.

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