Current time: 25-Apr-24, 12:01 Hello There, Guest! (LoginRegister)
Cheat is updated and works with newest update.
is the hack worth it?
06-Apr-14, 21:39
hey there, i am thinking about buying this hack.
but i heard some negative stuff about it.

is it true that the soundESP is not working sometimes?
is it true that the triggerbot does not shoot sometimes?


06-Apr-14, 21:55
Different from people to people, we have 120 customers right now, where only 3-6 is having problems Smile but well it doesn't mean they can't get fixed, everything can be fixed and that's what I'm working on as the coder Smile
06-Apr-14, 22:07
okay, is there any way to get support via steam/teamspeak?
im really thinking about buying this hack
06-Apr-14, 22:16
Read my testionial, pretty much tell you everything you need to know.

There is a support section on the forums where you can request support, tips, etc.
06-Apr-14, 22:16
okay i just bought it for 1 month

what do i do now?
how long do i need to wait?
will i get a pm with the hack download?
07-Apr-14, 05:12
Everything will be fixed, I can count on Menalix to resolve issues! Smile

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