Current time: 20-Apr-24, 17:10 Hello There, Guest! (LoginRegister)
Cheat is updated and works with newest update.
We have moved server to Sweden due to Sweden being climate friendly, all small hick-ups have been fixed now.
What's stopping Valve from purchasing the cheat and detecting it?
03-Aug-20, 08:53
The main question is the title, on the other hand I have two more, does the cheat leave any traces on your hard drive? Also, does the skin changer work?
03-Aug-20, 14:01
It's higly important I don't disclose what we do. Since that would help Valve in detecting us. We're very different from other providers, since everything is built from the ground here, and one of the things which goes into play is our internal trustfactor system and how it plays a part in distributing uniquely built modules.

No it leaves no traces, no we don't have a skinchanger yet.

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