Current time: 23-Apr-24, 19:21 Hello There, Guest! (LoginRegister)
Cheat is updated and works with newest update.
FACEIT questions
13-Apr-21, 17:08
Hey I used to cheat in FACEIT before their AC came out

How does Hexui pair with FACEIT?

What works? What doesn't? Can I use ESP in FACEIT?
14-Apr-21, 19:02
Hello, also interested, not working for me on faceit
15-Apr-21, 01:25
It's written our product page: "FACEIT Undetected (Users with no client requirement) " -> Users with no client requirement
Aka don't you have a client requirement, you can use it, if you are required to use the client you cannot.
19-Apr-21, 05:44
Referring to Faceit Anticheat client

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