Current time: 25-Apr-24, 10:25 Hello There, Guest! (LoginRegister)
Cheat is updated and works with newest update.
random new ac
10-Jun-21, 13:48

i want to buy hexui again because with the current cheat i use i get instant banned from community servers because most of them use that shit new anti cheat.

is it ud by that?
11-Jun-21, 00:42
What shit new anti-cheat? I haven't heared of it, let me test Smile with face-it mode though, there is no way a server-sided will detect you, then I will refund.
11-Jun-21, 13:44 (This post was last modified: 11-Jun-21 13:45 by SoySauce.)
(11-Jun-21 00:42)Menalix Wrote:  What shit new anti-cheat? I haven't heared of it, let me test Smile with face-it mode though, there is no way a server-sided will detect you, then I will refund.

Probably SMAC but i dont even care anymore i just want to use hexui because so much more simple and easy to use than any other i need faceit mode for smac?

edit: ban message says "SX Anticheat"

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