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14-Feb-15, 03:10
This is my thoughts about Hexui, compared to all the other pub(all can buy) and private(only selected few) cheats that I have tried.

Triggerbot 8/10

I like the triggerbot generally very good, its easy to work with and has a nice hit rate, the reason I give it a 8 instead of a 9 or 10 is because I would really like it to work through smoke, which it dont, so its very irritating when smoke moments occur.
If I would like to add tips and things to further improve I would say that a hitbox feature would be the ultimate 10/10, and would make the trigger complete.

Sound ESP 9/10

I have never tried sound esp before, but I have to say its a handy tool, especially to stay "legit". Makes you peek corners with more concern and makes it not all about knowledge (like with wh)
If I would add something to improve I would really like to see on/off toggleable white dots (very small) as the next add to the cheat

Remember that this is all my opinions, and im not trying in anyway to bash Hexui Smile Its a nice cheat overall, which im glad I took the chance to purchase and try out. My opinions are just ideas from my side to maybe help to develop the cheat into something even better :-)

Peace, kbb
14-Feb-15, 03:15
thanks for the kind review mate Smile

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