Current time: 20-Apr-24, 09:03 Hello There, Guest! (LoginRegister)
Cheat is updated and works with newest update.
We have moved server to Sweden due to Sweden being climate friendly, all small hick-ups have been fixed now.
My review!
20-Mar-15, 18:54
Alrighty so I dont know about the security of this cheat because I have used it for 1 hour and I can say its on of the best aimbot I have tried.

I have tried every single provider out there. Belive me..

After getting VACCed by 0rganner I decided to get some real shit and I bought a private cheat with pSilent but I didnt really like it.

Then I found this on hackforums, I will start using this instead of my private cheat! Refund incoming on my private <3

What is the detection history of this cheat?
20-Mar-15, 19:45
Detection history, is we were last detected in October.
23-Mar-15, 00:20
Can i get the name of the privat hack
and where i can buy
and what it cost



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