Current time: 24-Apr-24, 01:34 Hello There, Guest! (LoginRegister)
Cheat is updated and works with newest update.
A Day In Review
25-Apr-14, 04:40
Honestly, after a day of playtime with this, I can say that it is fucking awesome. This is one of my first source game cheats, and I can say that I am really enjoying it. It's nearly perfect. The only problems I have are things that can be sorted out in the config easily, I just need to be less lazy. But really it is an awesome triggerbot and I would recommend it to anyone that just wants to sit back and get some kills. I was thinking about updating this within a week or two, but if nothing changes (for the bad at least) I really don't need to. Anyways, that's all for now, go spend your hard earned cash on this shit! Smile
25-Apr-14, 04:58
I concur

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