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Cheat is updated and works with newest update.
My Review!
29-May-15, 05:26 (This post was last modified: 29-May-15 05:26 by Grim.)
I just wanna say how thankful i am for this cheat! I have been going for 3 months not having a single ban on any of my accounts!

RCS 10/10

I have never ever been called out for the rcs at all, and it looks totally legit when spraying, looks like your just following the spray pattern, i have to say tho this does depend on your ping, if you have 120+ you will see some stutter and weird spraying. But i would not blame the cheat on that

Trigger 10/10 Now the trigger i really like, it does not go thrue walls which is a extremely good thing so it does not randomly fuck you over if your holding trigger down and moving around! It hits all the shots and look as legit as you make it!

Aimbot N/A I don't use aimbot so i can't really rate it!

I just wanna thank the Mods/Admins again for all your hard work and quick responses, this the the most legit looking cheat i have ever used!
29-May-15, 16:59
Thanks for the positive respond :-) Though i will recommend trying the aimbot. It's awesome.

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