Current time: 24-Apr-24, 07:37 Hello There, Guest! (LoginRegister)
Cheat is updated and works with newest update.
10/10 Here's Why
06-Jun-15, 03:19
The support team is almost immediate, the cheat is usable right after purchase, the problems are minor and are so easily worked around they aren't really problems, down-times are compensated for, the chat always has someone to respond, the cheat has been undetected for a long time and most probably will continue to be undetected, you can use this cheat @ LAN matches, and settings can be easily changed to rage hardcore, or to look like a really good legit player.

If you're gonna buy a hack to be good but look legit, HexUI is the way to go.

10/10 will buy again. And you should too.
06-Jun-15, 13:14
Glad you like it :-)

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