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Cheat is updated and works with newest update.
Three month review
21-Jun-15, 09:41

I have been using HexUI for about three months now. Overall the cheat is really good and the community is a very big plus. I'll just get to the point:

Aimbot 8/10
The aimbot, well let me call it aim assist, works really well for me. A tiny fov to give me that little boost when I aim a bit off. The reason I do not vote a 10/10 is because the aimbot gets a tad obvious on short range, with for example the glock. Could be my play style, who knows.

Triggerbot 10/10
There's not much to say about a triggerbot. It shoots when you aim at the the enemy. It does that flawlessly for me. It is very situational for me when to use it. Mainly for pistols (Juan Deag!), snipers and long range assault rifle. It takes some practice to learn how to use the triggerbot but then you don't want to do it without one anymore.

SoundESP 7/10
Not taking Valve's recent changes to the matchmaking servers into consideration (which is not a thing Menalix can control), the sound esp works fine. There was a bug that made non existent entities beep the sound esp but that got fixed. There sound esp is a great addition because unlike visual esps, this does not make you aim at walls or 'peak' through walls. To overwatch it looks like game sense, if applied correctly.

RCS 6/10
The recoil control worked fine when I was using it. It made the screen shake a lot but apparently that got fixed now (haven't tested it yet). After the VAC detection April 17th, I practiced recoil patterns and did not use RCS anymore.

Security 8/10
Regardless of the two detections in a short period of time, I think the security of this cheat is fine. I did some background research as I am a software engineer myself. Menalix described a few security features on other forums and it seems like the security is just fine. People saying "but it got detected twice in 2 months": you are using a cheat that can be bought and analysed by VAC freely. Considering the growth of users of HexUI, VAC took this cheat more serious and analysed ways to give VACations. No cheat stays undetected, I have used both HexUI and my own (made from scratch) private cheat now - both got detected. The reason I am still using and subscribing to this cheat although I got my own (also written in .NET): Menalix is a great programmer who has been helpful to me by explaining certain aspects on different forums, so out of respect I stick around. Got a bit off-topic here.

Community 12/10
This is the most amazing thing. The community is great! Helpful staff but also helpful, non-toxic members. Fun talks in the shoutbox, really great.

Overall working of the cheat 9/10
I wish I could vote 10/10 but the popup caused by the module not being streamed completely was seen far too often. Other than that it works fine: start it, unplug usb and start cs. I love especially how pressing the panic key twice the config gets reloaded (start CS with -insecure and replug the USB, go against bots and fine tune your settings).

Menalix: helpful, fast response time to issues and constantly working to improve the cheat.
21-Jun-15, 11:25
This really made be happy to read, thanks for the review! :')

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