Current time: 19-Apr-24, 12:08 Hello There, Guest! (LoginRegister)
Cheat is updated and works with newest update.
We have moved server to Sweden due to Sweden being climate friendly, all small hick-ups have been fixed now.
Hexui Review !
03-Jul-15, 01:53
This is a short review since i'm only using two options on the cheat.


This is 10/10 in my book, works perfect.


This is a feature i wasnt quite sure what to expect and as soon as i started using it i got really surprised by how good its, theres room for improvement, as of now if you're not at least decent, skill wise, you're going to have a bad time. 9/10 (IMO, absolutely perfect for legit play, and thats where this cheat is aimed at).


Not much to say, i'm not an old customer but still seems like it does have a good history, vac hits happens to almost all, eventually.


Well, this is a great cheat, just what i needed to have some fun on my smurfs, a great triggerbot, a solid feature like soundESP, staff is friendly and the overall environment is really nice. One of the downsides, in my opinion, is the lack of a HUD to make customization easier, since i don't use that much it doesnt make any difference to me, but i can see this being a downside for others, less used to cheats.

A solid 9/10 overall. I really appreciate the hard work you guys put in this. Smile

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