Current time: 18-Apr-24, 09:19 Hello There, Guest! (LoginRegister)
Cheat is updated and works with newest update.
Database reverted to 3-day old copy, due to a mishappening. Please re-create your user if it's gone, and make a payment issue to get upgraded. Cheat settings from last 3-days is lost as well. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
Everything should sorted out by 23:00 GMT+1, and affected customers will get 1-week extra added to their sub.
Thread Closed 
New Payment System soon (07-10-2015)
07-Oct-15, 13:33
Due to the demand of other payment methods, we will swap the PayPal IPN out with very soon, which will give an additional method of accepting bitcoins next to paypal.
07-Oct-15, 15:43
That means you will now get autoupgraded with bitcoins aswell as paypal WHEN we implement the system Smile

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