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Visual ESP ETA and showcase vid: showthread.php?tid=21154
MrClue's Review
24-Oct-15, 12:47 (This post was last modified: 24-Oct-15 12:48 by MrClue.)
Hello users of HexUi!

I have finally decided to write my personal review and thoughts about this fantastic cheat created by the one and only Menalix. Heart

So i want to start of with saying, that i have been a loyal member of the HexUi community for quite some time now. I have been here in good times and even bad times, example; when HexUi got detected. Unfortunately i was one of the few people that got hit by the VAC wave and lost a valuable account during that time... But even though i lost my precious account, that didnt stop me from using this wonderful cheat. Cool Other than HexUi, i have experience in the cheating scene, since the release of Counter Strike Source, so im not a newbie when it comes to cheats, and their functions. Anyways... I will stop talking about my past, and tell some more about my actual review! Tongue

Aimbot (9,5-10)

HexUi brings a highly customizeable aimbot, and that is what i like so much about this cheat. With this cheat, you have 100% controll over the aimbot's ability to Lock on to your target. You can change the speed that the aimbot will lock on to your target, making it nearly impossible for a spectator, to see that you are cheating. (With the right settings). What i really like about this cheat and its coder, is that the cheat keeps getting better... Not long ago, the cheat got implemented with a new feature called "Aimbot Through Walls". Basically this is another word for "Visibility Check". When this feature is activated, you can make even crazier settings, and not have to worry about the aimbot shooting at people through walls! Heart

Triggerbot (8,5-10)

The triggerbot is also highly customizable. You can change the amount of bullets, the shooting time, and the delay time of the triggerbot. This means that if you want the triggerbot to do burst fire at an enemy, it can do it for you. The triggerbot also has a feature, witch will shoot for a few more secs after the enemy is dead, making it look like it wasnt triggerbot. With the trigger delay, you can make a more human-like triggerbot. Most other public cheats dont have a feature like this, and everyone will be able to spot that you are using cheats.

RCS (10-10)

The "Recoil Control System" also called "RCS" is, as the other features, very customizable. If you have no clue on how to control your recoil on various guns, this feature is a must! You can change everything from 100% accurate spread, to legit spread. You can also change it, so the only thing you have to do is to pull your mouse down, and the recoil will get controlled like a pro. This is very useful for when you are at a LAN Party, because if you dont pull down, people will know, that you are using some kind of cheat.

Sound ESP (10-10)

Now, the "Sound ESP" is what makes HexUi uniqe, compared to all other cheats. What this feature does is, that when an enemy gets near you, the cheat will start to make some small beep sounds. The closer you get to your enemy, the faster the cheat will beep. This way overwatchers wont be able to tell, if you are wallhacking, or just have good gamesense. Its freaking awesome... When you start hearing the beeps, you instantly starts playing better... You will start to focus a lot more, and all your senses will activate Big Grin
The "Sound ESP" wont tell you what direction the enemy is in. While some people find this bad, I on the other hand, thinks that this is very good. Think about this... If you knew what direction the beeps would come from, it would look like you had wallhack = Overwatch Ban.

FOV (9-10)

The FOV that this cheat has is very awesome. A new feature that was implemented, was "Dynamic FOV". This scales the amount of FOV depending on how far the enemy is from you. This makes the cheat look overall much more legit.

Bhop (10-10)

The cheat also has a new feature called Bhop. This will do the Bhops for you, but not the strafes, witch i dont really care about. What can i say?... Its sweet! :blush:

Overall Rating (8-10)

This cheat keeps improving, and it is almost never VAC Detected, making this the most worth to buy cheat on the market. It has everything you need in a legit cheat. It keeps getting new feature now and then... Whenever Valve updates csgo, few hours later the cheat is usable again. Heart The community is really active and nice, compared to other providers. If you are a serious guy/girl, looking to get the best legit (and cheap) cheat, HexUi is definitely something you should consider purchasing. Angel

Have a wonderful day everyone! Big Grin
24-Oct-15, 12:58
Nice rewiew Big Grin
24-Oct-15, 14:42
(24-Oct-15 12:58)JLOL Wrote:  Nice rewiew Big Grin

Thanks! Big Grin
24-Oct-15, 16:57
thank you, nice review Smile
24-Oct-15, 21:11
(24-Oct-15 16:57)Menalix Wrote:  thank you, nice review Smile

Np Menalix Tongue
25-Oct-15, 03:59
nice review man Smile
28-Oct-15, 22:16
(25-Oct-15 03:59)TheFan1678 Wrote:  nice review man Smile

30-Jan-16, 23:11
My review is most detailed!
I dont actually know why i wrote so much... What a no-lifer i am Big Grin
31-Jan-16, 11:45
Nice review MrClue, was preety surprised.

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