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Hexui Process Booster
18-Jul-14, 07:07
I'm sorry if I seem like I am jumping the gun a little bit, but I'm only curious. What is this "Hexui Process Booster"? Usage? ETA and price?
18-Jul-14, 07:42
Pretty much similar to any "booster"; I'm guessing that it turns off unused services not needed, ie. windows update etc, something what razer game booster would do I guess.

Menalix can confirm what it actually does though.
18-Jul-14, 09:04
Boosts the processes by adjusting some stuff on the process which is in use, like priority and such automatically.
Costs nothing, ETA unknown.
18-Jul-14, 09:59
Sounds good. Expecting this. I'm using this Idler thing and I had to set my priority up.
20-Jul-14, 04:36
As Menalix said, its made when its made, no real high demand for this, just a program he will offer free to customers.

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