Current time: 29-Apr-24, 15:43 Hello There, Guest! (LoginRegister)
Cheat is updated, visuals esp is removed/disabled, its future is unknown for now.
silent running (lan)
30-May-16, 20:22
how does this work? do the hack auto inject when computer starting or what? can i use it on small lans without getting banned? i am going to a lan and if they (csgo admins at lan) think i am cheating, they will search my pc. Will they find the cheat?
30-May-16, 21:29
Well everything about the cheat is on the USB, so you might have to hide that. The cheat injects into a non-suspicious program, and you can hide the cheat window in your settings.

Whether you can use it on LAN or not depends on what the LAN is, and what anti-cheat it uses.
30-May-16, 21:48
Thx for the fast response,
the anticheat is no problem.

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