Possible to get untrusted?
09-Jun-16, 16:23

Posts: 4
Joined: Jun 2016
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is it possible to get untrusted with this hack?
if yes wich feature can violate an untrusted ban?
09-Jun-16, 17:21
Lifetime Customer
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A couple people have claimed that they have gotten Untrusted, but we haven't been able to verify that Hexui caused it. None of the features are Untrusted at this time. I use them all and have never had a kick or ban for Untrusted.
09-Jun-16, 19:31
Retired Staff
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It shouldn't ever be possible to get untrusted using only Hexui
10-Jun-16, 01:53
Retired Staff
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We havnt had any unteusted wave in 1,5 year +
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